New Year Message from the President of Ughievwen Kingdom, Olorogun Akporuru Patrick Wheleke


Dear People of Ughievwen Kingdom,

As we stand at the dawn of a new year, I feel hopeful and optimistic about what lies ahead for our beloved Ughievwen Kingdom.

Each year presents us with fresh opportunities to renew our commitments, strengthen our bonds, and pursue the vision of a united and prosperous kingdom.

I want to take this moment to reach out to every member of our kingdom, urging all of us to embrace the spirit of unity and reconciliation.

We have faced challenges, disagreements, and even pain in recent times, which have tested our resilience and commitment to one another.

However, it is essential that we recognize the strength that lies in unity—the power to heal wounds and build a brighter future together.

Unity is not merely the absence of conflict; it requires a conscious effort to foster understanding, acceptance, and support for one another, regardless of our differences.

The fabric of Ughievwen Kingdom is woven from diverse threads that represent our individual stories, cultures, and perspectives.

As we embark on this new year, I urge all members to prioritize reconciliation and embrace dialogue. Let us lay down our grievances and disputes, ensuring that we create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

I would also like to take this moment to commend our revered King, HRM Dr. Matthew Ediri Egbi, Okobaro of Ughievwen Kingdom. Your open-minded policies and leadership have sown the seeds of inclusiveness and collaboration within our Kingdom.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our kingdom and for promoting a vision that encourages dialogue, peace, and unity among all.

Additionally, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our spiritual leaders: Archbishop Goddowell Avwomakpa, Jesus Holiness, St. Dikeji Miyerijesu (the demon destroyer), a.k.a. Usu r’akpeje, Archbishop Solomon Oghenesuvwetoba Gbakara, Bishop Jerry Ejaromedoghene, Rt. Rev. Samuel O. Onakovwen, Archbishop Eddy Bebor, and Archbishop V. O. Arikoro.

Your roles as spiritual guides and your prayers have been invaluable, reminding us of the importance of love, compassion, and forgiveness in our everyday lives.

Your voices have been instrumental in guiding our Kingdom towards peace and understanding; let us continue to lean on your wisdom as we navigate the challenges ahead.

A special thank you goes to Chief Michael Akponokan, Chief Akpokiboro Patrick Fovie, Olorogun Matthew O. Ofioguma, Olorogun Barr. Adelabu Bojor, and many others too numerous to mention who are committed to working together in the spirit of unity for Ughievwen Kingdom.

Your dedication and willingness to set aside differences inspire hope and serve as a testament to what we can achieve when we unite for a common cause.

We must continue to nurture this spirit of collaboration, ensuring that our collective efforts contribute to the progress and welfare of our Kingdom.

As we embark on this new year, let us commit to fostering relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

Let us remember that our strength lies in our diversity and that we are most formidable when we stand together.

I encourage each of us to reach out to our neighbors, friends, and family members and engage in conversations that promote understanding and healing.

Together, we have the power to create a harmonious society that reflects the values of unity, peace, and progress. By choosing to reconcile and work together, we can transcend past conflicts and pave the way for a brighter future for Ughievwen Kingdom.

Let this year be marked by efforts towards collective growth, collaboration, and genuine commitment to the well-being of our Kingdom.

I cannot conclude this message without especially thanking the following elder statesmen: Olorogun M. A. Shaire (Otota of Ughievwen Kingdom), Olorogun Sir E. D. O. Obofukoro, Prof. G. G. Darah, Olorogun Maj. Gen. Barr. Sir P. O. Unuode, Hon. Justice Shakaro Udi, Olorogun Eng. Sir O. I. Kekeje, Olorogun Sir D. M. Siakpere, Olorogun A. F. Desi, Olorogun Dr. A. E. Ideh, Olorogun Wilson Ophan, Olorogun Col. M. Ideh, and Olorogun Sir Christopher Otobrise, for their fatherly roles in fostering peace within and outside Ughievwen Kingdom.

The same appreciation goes to my executive committee members of Ughievwen Union for their support and unwavering commitment to ensuring our collective progress in elevating Ughievwen to greater heights—well done to all of you!

I wish each and every one of you a prosperous and fulfilling new year. May it be filled with joy, opportunities, and meaningful connections. Let us come together as one people, united for the common good of Ughievwen Kingdom. I thank God Almighty for the journey so far.

Happy New Year!

Yours in the service of Ughievwen,

Olorogun (Prince) A. P. Wheleke (FHNR)
President, Ughievwen Kingdom